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Colegiul Național \Andrei Șaguna\ is located in Brașov, Romania on Șirul Mitropolit Andrei Șaguna 1. Colegiul Național \Andrei Șaguna\ is rated 4.7 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Romania.
So proud I finished my studies here! It's the best in town and classed 5th in Romania. Nice people, nice teachers and great atmosphere at the schools events!
It is a really nice college. Your classmates are like your family and teachers are well prepared and very keen on their work. If they think you can have a bright future they help you to reach at it and , with the help of some projects, you're gonna have some open doors abroad.
The best school in town. 40 years ago and counting.
One of the best high schools in Brasov. It has a proud heritage of over 150 years. As a member of the class of 2008, I'm proud to have graduated here.
Best school in the best city of this country. Period!
Great place to learn something new!!!
Probably the best high school at Brasov
Probably the best High School in Brașov.
Colegiul Național \Andrei Șaguna\
Șirul Mitropolit Andrei Șaguna 1500123Romania
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